I have posted about deciding to start the 30 Day Shred several times. Each time, I had really great intentions. I thought I was making it easier on myself by only committing to 4 days a week of the shred, but I just never REALLY committed to it and followed through. Well… this time I did! Only, I did it EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR THIRTY DAYS! I must admit, I’m both surprised and proud of myself. What’s funny is that this was more of an off-handed “Sure, let’s do this” with my best friend. I didn’t start out thinking I would do this every day, but then once I made it through the first couple days I thought to myself, “maybe I can do this…” The trick for me this time was deciding to work out in the mornings. If I plan on working out in the evening, the chances of me following through are slim to none. I already wake up very early, but I figured 25-30 minutes wouldn’t kill me. And I was right! Ok, I am pretty tired in the morning, but once I work out I feel so much better.

Results? All in all, I didn’t lose as much as I would’ve liked in terms of pounds. However, I’d already lost almost 17 pounds when I started so I would bet that has something to do with it. In 30 days, I lost 4.8lbs. However, I’ve lost inches. My clothes fit better and I can see a change in my thighs and stomach. Plus, I could barely eek my way through Level 1 when I first started. This morning (day 30) I blasted through Level 3 like it was nobody’s business!! So, my fitness level is defintiely higher.

In all honesty, I could’ve done better with watching what I eat. I’m trying now to really reign it in. I’m watching my calories and have done really well, but I am going to start trying to focus more on clean eating and not just caloric intake. We’ll see how that goes!

So, here are the results from the shred… Start – Day 10 – Day 20 – Day 30

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

The changes is less dramatic in person (I don’t go around flexing my ab muscles all day long), but also I think it was a slow gradual change so I didn’t necessarily notice it. If you look at the change from the start and end, it makes me a little happier. At least all that hard work was for something!

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos


I also happened to find the journal where I had measured myself when I FIRST started trying to lose weight (back in August at my highest post-pregnancy weight). I measured each arm, bust, waist, hip, and each thigh. Overall, I have lost a total of 21.4 pounds and 14.25 inches overall! 1.25 inches of that was in my waist just from the start of the 30 Day Shred until now. So, I’d say it was a success!!

Next up? Ripped in 30… starting tomorrow morning. I don’t wanna lose this momentum 🙂 I’m also seriously considering the Jillian Michael Body Revolution!